Aggro Me: Vanguard Vanguard Vanguard
Vanguard Vanguard Vanguard
Well, I've been seeing a lot of Vanguard stuff lately so I thought I'd give you a quick round-up.I linked yesterday to a Gamespot early look at the E3 demo and IGN has a preview up as well.But, as written over at N3rfed, "And when you've got a reporter who has obviously done the hard work with his research and makes an early comment such as...'Instanced zones are a relatively new thing in the world of the MMO.' know you're in for hard-hitting coverage."Relatively new blog I Pwn3d Your Mom recently took a look at the world and races of Vanguard.Finally, Krones recently posted an in-depth and entertaining update on Vanguard over at Pitfalls.As for me, I go back and forth on Vanguard. I think I'll have to really hear how it plays since it is relying more on execution than innovation. So far I like what I have heard. My biggest fear is how their connection with Microsoft will play out. Vanguard has been rumored to be an XBox 360 launch title, although that rumor has been somewhat squished. I do see it coming out on the XBox 360 sooner or later though. And I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Microsoft is really pushing the micro-transactions virtual marketplace of the 360. Will they push that on Vanguard? McQuaid says no. Will Microsoft pressure them to release Vanguard before it is ready if the XBox 360 sales are lagging? And do you really want to play a supposedly hard-core old-school MMORPG with XBox 360 users? Or am I just being prejudiced towards console owners and a horrible person?