Aggro Me: Why Scry?
Why Scry?
In my post on the Arena system, I questioned taking the time to implement content systems without adding the proper rewards (for more ideas on revitalizing the Arena check out this thread). It struck me as a waste of the time and creativity put into creating fun content.
Another such system is the scrying stone system. It's cool to find those scrying spots and the sound and graphics for the scrying are great. There's always a feeling of suspense as you're wondering whether a monster or an item will appear.Someone took the time to create this great little minigame and it's not really being utilized. The rewards are just not effective. If there was just a tiny (I'm talking way less than one percent) chance to get a really useful, even fabled item, people would definitely be into it. Think of it as another form of the goblin gambling game. It would serve to take money out of the economy because the total rewards would still not add up to the expense put in. But you would have the slight chance to get really lucky and win a fabulous item. And the level of that item should vary based on the level of the zone the scrying spot is in.
As it is now, even the best items you can find are only marginally useful. And the tomes you receive give you quests which result in only a minimal amount of xp and nothing more. If I'm wrong and you've found something great while scrying, please say so in the comments.The scrying system also appears to have been abandoned in the expansion. I have yet to see a scrying location in any of the new zones. Maybe SOE felt people were not using it. But I think that's due to the rewards factor.
I've had ten scrying stones in my inventory for probably the last four months. I hope someday there will be a reason for me to use them.I realize this post wasn't the most topical of subjects, especially with Live Update 17 just having been released. But I want to check out Update 17 for myself and I expect to have some comments on it by Monday.