Aggro Me: Aggro Me: Watching GameORZ So You Don't Have To
Aggro Me: Watching GameORZ So You Don't Have To
Every once in while I feel like I'm proud to be a gamer and to write about gaming. Then something like the Spike TV Video Game Awards or GameORZ Week comes along and I snap back to reality.
Yeah, when something is called GameORZ week, I know it's going to be a maturely presented study of gaming. Oh, the O in GameORZ is actually a zero for added 1337 gaming effect.
But I've blogged Everquest segments on Icons and Attack of the Show, so I wasn't going to let MTV stop me. GameORZ week is a week long mix of "gaming" shows on MTV and MTV2, presumably to coincide with the overhyped XBox 360 launch.
Now, I punished myself by turning MTV2 on early and sitting through some abject torture. But if you were smart enough to read the SOE news item and turn it on at 8:00 PM EST, you got lucky.
Believe it or not, the EQII segment headed off the "Video Mods" show. What is a video mod, you ask? Well, apparently, it's a gameplay video. But get this, they add music! That's what I call extreme modding!
All they did was replay the Bloodline Chronicles movie in its entirety. I didn't notice any changes or additions, but I could be wrong. It wasn't a bad movie to begin with, so it was fine to watch again. The sole feature was a "pop-up" text box at the beginning which informed us of the massive amount of voiceover work in EQII. I figured they would continue to supply information throughout the video but that first "pop-up" was also the last.
The music chosen was "Bat Country" by Avenged Sevenfold. Ah, I see. "Bat Country" and a video about vampires! Genius. Regardless of the thematic connection, I didn't feel that the music really fit the video. But maybe I'm just not up on my "video mods." Or maybe I just don't "get" supposed goth metal bands that implore their website visitors to vote for them on Total Request Live. All joking aside, this was like a free three minute commercial for EQII, so kudos to the PR/Marketing team. And that movie has always been very nice graphically, so it might have sold some copies of EQII.
I don't have a clip for you but you could recreate it yourself simply by watching the Bloodlines video and listening to "Bat Country." Here are some pictures:
King of Voiceover
The Griffon Tower is over there, noob!
Are there really that many calories in a Vanilla Frappuccino?
This un-Photoshopped picture is from the show on professional gamers that was on immediately before the EQII one. It's the actual name of an all-girl Counterstrike Gaming "Clan." I can't make this stuff up, people.