Aggro Me: Join The Army of Darkness!
Join The Army of Darkness!
While I like to keep my main character pretty private so I can get unfiltered opinions and enjoy anonymous play, when the PvP server opened up I decided to let all the Aggro-haters get a fair shot at ganking me. So if you don't like my latest blog entry, just try to take me on Nagafen, if you can. I'm in as Aggro so I shouldn't be hard to spot.
Of course, if you would rather play with me rather than against me, I am hereby inviting you to join Aggroculture, our forums guild on the Freeport side of Nagafen. Yes, slay goodies with me and other Aggro Forums luminaries at no extra charge. We enjoy a friendly rivalry with EQ2Daily's Brownie Troop Guild from the Qeynos side.
It's a really casual guild and there's no pressure on members. I've only reached level 20 and some members are higher, some lower. I'm still focusing primarily on Kingdom of Sky on my main. We're just all about having a fun time and doing battle with Qeynos.
I've left behind my wild overnuking ways to become a peace-loving troubador who will stab you repeatedly once your back is turned while singing a song about the glories of Freeport. I'm still learning the class but enjoying it greatly.
If you wish to answer this call to greatness, register for the forums, introduce yourself and tell us your in-game name. As an Aggro Me reader, you can't be all bad. So if you're not a complete dope, we'll make sure you get an invite to Aggroculture. For the glory of Lucan!