Friday Humor: Motivate Me
Update: Visit our new website, Always Go Right, featuring the writing of some of the contributors to this post.
When I came across this tool for making motivational posters, I knew I had the makings of a Friday Humor. But considering my limited brain power, I realized I had to reach out to the Aggro Forums for help. The members there contributed their wit and wisdom, so prepare to get motivated! A huge thanks to everyone who contributed! A sequel is already rumored to be in the works, so feel free to offer your own submissions in this thread.
When I came across this tool for making motivational posters, I knew I had the makings of a Friday Humor. But considering my limited brain power, I realized I had to reach out to the Aggro Forums for help. The members there contributed their wit and wisdom, so prepare to get motivated! A huge thanks to everyone who contributed! A sequel is already rumored to be in the works, so feel free to offer your own submissions in this thread.
"Ganked," "PVE Servers," and "Trust" are my favorites.
So far my brilliant, flawlessly executed plan of posting a day before you isn't working...
That Post was Awesome! I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Can't wait for sequel.
Gold. Im sitting at work right now and we have some of these posters hanging in all the offices. Cant stop laughing.
I like this one
Just incase flickr removes the image, it can also be found here
The "Wisdom" one was the best, along with the "trust" one.
oh em eff gee all they're all craping for make you laugh but I not because is stoopid k bai.
at the person who started by saying "oh em eff gee...." we need english, not engrish plz.
kthnx bye
and i love these.... HILARIOUS!!
Haha, very cool Aggro. GG!
I got you covered for more content. Check that thread again. I already posted three more you can use.
lol i like them all, they are just to funny
Here's another you can add to your sequel. Enjoy.
That was great! Good job guys :)
Ganked is just perfect. Truly funny and dead-on accurate.
GANK= getting killed/killing someone with or by many individuals.
"I got ganked today" which can be translated loosely to "I got killed by a group two or more individuals today"
That is the original meaning of the word and people using it so retarded like "OMGZ I GANKED A HORDE TODAY" makes me wanna cry -.-'
So what if the meaning of gank has changed?
words evolve, that's part of language.
So now gank can mean killing someone who's AFK, or who's much lower level/power then you are, particularly if there is little gain in the kill.
I love the last one (safefall/trust).... I am an asassin and can't count the number of times I have jumped off a high place with my husbands tank on AF..... lol one dead guardian......
last time was in south freeport - I lined myself up on the boat (was handing in writs) and just went for it - jumping off every obstacle/set of stairs - kind of forgot that DH had set his guard to follow me........
but then I have done similar with my non-safefall alts.... took my necro out into CL the other day and leapt off from the top of fishermans trail (my lv 53 assassin's usual shortcut to the bottom)... needless to say my lvl 15 necro did not survive.... 2 seconds into the leap I thought "OOOOPPPPS!)
gank has always meant a non-competitive kill. lern2play nub kthx
No PvE is for peeps who don't like to get ganked by no life losers 30 levels higher than them. WTF kind of PvP is that?
I'm 33, I can beat up any 5 year old, would that make me a boxing pro?
Actually the original meaning of gank as it started in the gangsta rap of the 1980's and is now recognized in the Berkely english catalogue and the Double-Toungued Slang Dictionary (or whatever is it's name) is : "To take by force."
It's been adapted to mean so many things though that there's really no point in fighting about it.
Nice posters btw. I liked "ganked" "the grind" and "loot whore" best.
To Anonymous, who had issues with the usage of "gank":
Many old school terms are completely butchered by the new kiddies on the block. I agree with you. My pet peeve is "zerg".. I've yet to meet anyone who understands the reference, much less knows how to use it correctly.
Starcraft FTW.
Happy New Year everyone.
That last one winz
These comments have been invaluable to me as is this whole site. I thank you for your comment.
To the one who said they have yet to meet someone who knew the meaning of the word zerg. zerging refers to using massive amounts of cheap easy to produce units (zerglings from starcraft ftw) to overwhelm your opponent thru shear force of numbers.
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