Aggro Me: Conan-athon
Well, it seems people just can't wait to pwn their enemies, see them driven off the servers and hear the lamentations of their women in vent. Despite many concerns about the beta, the Early Access program for Conan is now inaccessible.
There were even reports of some WoW players getting into the mood by attempting to live the Conan lifestyle.
Well, if you're not already playing, you can test your Age of Conan mettle by trying to guess which of these server names are real and which I made up:
• Tyranny
• Teacrumpets
• Bane
• Politeness
• Deathwisper
• Death-hug
• Bloodspire
• Candyhome
• Thog
• Gary
• Wiccana
• Cuddlefest
• Fury
• Foveverfriends
• Wildsoul • Chamomile
• Doomsayer • Doomkitten You can check here to see which are real.